Name __________________________________




1.      What role do autotrophs fill in the biosphere?_______________________________________________

2.      35-19a-LeafAnatomy-NL.jpgLabel the diagram of the leaf with the following structures.  Then, indicate how each structure within the leaf plays a role in photosynthesis:

a.      stomata and guard cells ____________________________________________________________________

b.      mesophyll cells ____________________________________________________________________

c.      veins



3.      Label the diagram of the chloroplast with the following structures.  Then, indicate how each structure within the chloroplast plays a role in photosynthesis:

a.      thylakoid membranes



b.      stroma



4.      What is the source of oxygen released from photosynthesis?__________________________________

5.      In the overview of photosynthesis, indicate the most significant function of:

a.      Light reaction ____________________________________________________________________

b.      Calvin cycle _____________________________________________________________________

6.      Visible light has a wavelength range of _______________________________________ .

7.      Plant light receptors absorb  _________________________________________ wavelengths of light and reflect ___________________________________________wavelengths of light.

8.      Describe Engelmanns experiment using filamentous algae, a prism, and aerobic bacteria.                



9.       The porphyrin ring of chlorophyll contains the element ______________________________

10.  What does chlorophyll do when excited by photons? ________________________________________


11.  Label the diagram and explain the difference between Photosystem I and Photosystem II.















12.  How does cyclic differ from noncyclic photophosphorylation?














13.  To generate ATP, chloroplasts rely on the ETC to _________________________________

and ATP is synthesized when: _________________________________________________



14.  Within the thylakoid membrane and stroma, indicate what happens to each of the following:

a.      water __________________________________________________________________

b.      high energy electrons _____________________________________________________

c.      H+ ____________________________________________________________________

d.      oxygen ________________________________________________________________

e.      NADP+ ________________________________________________________________

f.        ADP __________________________________________________________________

15.  Where in the chloroplast is the H+ concentration highest? _______________________________

16.  What happens during carbon fixation? __________________________________________


17.  List the materials the plant uses during the Calvin cycle and the source of the materials.



18.  The products of the Calvin cycle are ____________________________________________


19.  What environmental and internal challenges have forced both C4 and CAM plants to evolve alternatives to the photosynthesis system used by other plants?_____________________________


20.  Why do high oxygen levels inhibit photosynthesis? ________________________________


21.  What happens during photorespiration and why is it considered bad for plants?



22.  What evolutionary adaptations to the Calvin cycle are seen in C4 plants like sugar cane?



23.  Draw a diagram to show the anatomical adaptations seen in C4 plants to accommodate their variation on the Calvin cycle.








24.  What evolutionary adaptation to the Calvin cycle is seen in CAM plants like cacti? __________________________________________________________________________